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Melody Before She Was Cursed Hxh

View 26 Melody Before She Was Cursed Hxh - She's playing the flute through her front teeth at the age of ten. Melody is a master musician who was transformed after hearing a portion of the "Sonata of Darkness," a musical piece said to have been composed by the devil himself. Melody, it is believed, used to be quite beautiful but has now been forced into this form. Melody's appearance changed dramatically after hearing the flute solo; her unnamed friend who played it died in a gruesome manner. Melody was also given supernaturally acute hearing by the Sonata, but she has stated that she would trade it in for the ability to hear normally. Yorknew City plot arc

Melody paused for a moment before saying, "Devils may not exist in our world that is inhibited by humans, but they may exist somewhere in the dark continent." "The Dark Continent?" Melody's words became more mysterious to Kurapika as he listened. Melody, on the other hand, has no reason to lie to him, and he didn't think he was lying either. level 1 6 years ago, I'm confident she'll be fine as hell. 11 1st level 6 years ago I'm just waiting for Tonpa Arc to return. 11 second level 6 years ago I'm almost 100 percent certain. Tonpa is, in fact, Beyond in disguise. He passed the time until his father died by working as a rookie crusher. 7 Level 2 6: Continue this thread

NeonDepression Level 1 10m There's nothing to indicate she will or will not. Perhaps the power of Something could do it. Or something similar on the dark continent. The cursed score sounds like an artifact that could be found there, and it's powerful/unstable enough. 3 AbsurdEdward 10m level 2 Maybe she just needs Bisky's hatsu treatment. 1 level 2 Melody is a minor character in the Hunter X Hunter anime/manga series. She is a Music Hunter, also known as Jerome Valdemoro, and one of Manalo's bodyguards who befriends Kurapika.

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