Andrew stated he'd be up for a Q&A session, so if you have any questions for him, please PM me. I'm not acquainted with the publication, so I'll have to check it up. OCR with translation may frequently uncover intriguing new information... and some strange outcomes depending on the language. In my experience, Google appears to muddle German in particular. I'm not sure at what stage the drawing was created. I guess it might have been a very early, fast draft merely to give Shaun, Andrew, and Ocean something to talk about. Biro has been employed in areas that appear to support that hypothesis. Andrew stated he'd be up for a Q&A session, so if you have any questions for him, please PM me.
Sonic's closest buddy, whose IQ and mechanical talents are virtually identical to Dr. Eggman's. His full name is Miles Prower, but he was given the nicknames since he had two instead of one. He can spin them like a propeller and fly about for extended periods of time. Tails utilizes Sonic's biplane, which he has modified throughout the course of his exploits, to travel large distances or reach flying locations. Tails variants in this game include: Tails from 1992 to 1997 is referred to as Classic Tails. He serves as Classic Sonic's interpreter.